Remembrance Service at All Saints Church, Bednall 10th Nov
Dear All You are invited to join our Remembrance Day Service at All Saints Church, Bednall on Sunday 10th. November, starting at 10.50. Rev’d Delphine will be conducting the service. There will be a laying of a wreath at the memorial area in Bednall at 12.45. Crosses will also be placed on the graves at both All…
Friends of Bednall’s AGM 21st Nov
Friends of Bednall’s AGM will be held in All Saints Bednall church at 7.30pm on Thursday, 21st November. As well as reporting on the past year, we’ll be sharing ideas for the coming year and electing a new committee. If you would like to contribute in any way, then come along and/or talk with any of…
Gravetalk – a conversation about death and dying
Join us on Wednesday evening, 6th November, in All Saints Church, Bednall for an open conversation about death and dying. Coffee & cake from 6.30pm followed by conversations from 7pm-8pm. We’ll be using material pioneered for the Church of England which creates a safe space for everyone to share their thoughts and to listen to those…
Online assistance for residents – Survey
Acton Trussell, Bednall and Teddesley Hay Parish Council, in cooperation with the Parish Community Centre Trust We are planning weekly sessions run with a small group of IT competent volunteers, DBS checked, following on from the coffee mornings in the Parish Community Centre, Thursdays, starting at 1200 Hrs. It will be led by the volunteer…
Royal British Legion Changed Date Coffee Morning
In Aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Friday 1st November* at the Cross Keys, Filance Lane, Penkridge 10am-12noon Please come and support us (Registered Charity Number 219279) *Note : Change of date has been advised for this event from 25/10/24 to 01/11/24)