Analysis and next steps following the summary of 20 is plenty survey

At the end of this article you can download the detailed results. The following analysis was presented by Alex Thompson at the July 2022 parish meeting.

Clearly this is not a simple problem. Fundamentally, the roads around and within the villages are too narrow with no appropriate footpaths.
A detailed map of the area showing the ‘problems’ would be helpful as the
next step in confirming the worst roads, pinch points, ‘rat-run’ routes, etc

From the comments and simply looking at the roads connecting the villages,
interfacing with the main roads (A34, Teddersley Road, Common Lane, Lower
Penkridge Road, Mill Lane, Acton Hill Road), there are primary issues where
narrowness, insufficient passing places, low visibility or bends, and of course
excessive speed are causing major/potential incidents and clearly a lot of
anxious residents.

SOLUTIONS (?!) – Not easy, but action is clearly needed

  1. More analysis (on the ground, not through any follow up survey) is
    required to confirm the high danger roads / routes / spots with a focus
    on road and traffic problems
  2. Consideration should be given to some suggestions, including:
    a. Restrictions – “Essential Village Traffic Access Only” / Speed Gates
    b. 20mph speed limit within this area
    c. Speed indicators on entering the areas
    d. Random speed check by community speed watch team
    e. Consider SAT NAV restrictions
    f. Identifying bad visibility / danger spots and action to improve
    these locally
    g. Inconsiderately parked cars and cars causing deliberate
    h. Possible consideration for ONE-WAY routes
    i. Improvement actions are needed around the school & All Saints church, the community centre, specific narrow pinch-points such as Cooks
    Bank among many others, and blind spots.

All these require on the ground analysis.