I wanted to tell you what The Children’s Society does as I help raise funds for the Society in Acton and Bednall and surrounds.
We fight for hope by deeply understanding the needs of young people and by supporting them through their most serious life challenges. We work with young people who have suffered years of abuse, who have run away from home or are struggling with mental health issues. We look out for young carers and those who are at risk of being groomed by criminal groups. We help refugees who have no one else to turn to in this country.
The young people we meet have complicated lives. Their experiences are always different, but young people all have one thing in common. It’s a thing called hope.
Hope for a happier home life. Hope of getting a job, of getting away from the people who exploit or hurt them. So we find their hope and start there, working with them little by little, giving them whatever they need and empowering them to make decisions for the future they want.
We work with young people for as long as it takes and across all different aspects of their life as it’s rarely simple for them. There might be aggression, mistrust, anger or disappointment, but even when hope is hanging by a thread we help them find it again.
Please help The Children’s Society fight child poverty and exploitation and give disadvantaged children hope for the future.
A number of people locally already support The Children’s Society by collecting change in a house box (it will be opening time in November- date to be confirmed). If you would like to have a house box please let me know 01785716265 (kilbowie@hotmail.com) or you can donate direct to the website or find out more about the Society at childrenssociety.org.uk.
Thank you for reading this and I hope some of you can help.
Best wishes
Eleanor Simms