The Friends of Bednall Quiz, on Saturday 21st October, will be raising funds towards replacing the defibrillator by the Phone Box which is no longer working. Experts tell us that CPR is more important than defibrillation in saving lives. So, before applying to The British Heart Foundation for a grant, we are committed to achieving a network of 20 people across the village with up-to-date CPR training.
To enable more people to take part, we are postponing the training planned for this week till Saturday morning, 25th November, from 11am to 12noon in church. Book your place with David Primrose, or let him know if your CPR training is up-to-date, and/or persuade a neighbour to take part.
Tickets from the Quiz evening are available from Barry Underhill, Penny Whitehouse and Delphine Howarth. Joan Hammerton is collecting raffle prizes.
With many thanks,
David (07975 644044)