Bednall Fete 2023

The weather was awful. It rained! It was cold! It was windy! But the bulldog spirit prevailed and it was a great success!I would like to send my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped to organise the Bednall Fete. A lot went on behind the scenes to provide all manner of items to raffle, sell and ‘have a go at.’ The cakes provided were amazing as were the children from All Saints School who danced their hearts out! The Ukulele band played and sang with great gusto along with voices fuelled from visiting the Thirsty Donkey. The monies raised will go a long way to funding this years church costs. A final tally will be announced as soon as possible. BUT none of this could have taken place with out the kindness and generosity of Carol and Henry of Moors Covert Farm. The barn was transformed within hours to enable the event to take place under cover. This huge effort was very much appreciated along with the BBQ provided by them at the end of the day.Thank you so much.

