Bednall Church Fete, 22nd July from 2pm at Moors Covert Farm, by kind permission of Carol and Henry Bloxham – All Welcome
If you have any Tombola items, or bottles and bottle bags you would like to donate to the fete, to raise money for the general running and maintenance of Bednall Church, we would be most grateful.
Your donations can be taken to either:
1) Joan Hammerton at Hollybank, Common Lane ( House next to bungalow on corner of Richfield Lane) or phone 714309 if you would like items picked up.
2) Toni Castle at Church View(opposite side of Common Lane from the Church gate) or phone 07977 657646 if you would like items picked up
Many thanks to those who have already donated and to those who intend to donate and hope to see you all at the fete.
Joan and Toni