Parish Societies

There are numerous societies for parish inhabitants – and those from the wider local area – to get involved in. This list is updated on a regular basis, but the current list is as follows:

Acton Trussell Gardening Society

Contact: Sue Searle – 01785 715640

Acton Trussell & Penkridge Photographic Society

Contact: John Sutton – 01785 713839

Bednall & Acton Trussell Singers (BATS)

Contact: Sue Searle – 01785 715640

Acton Trussell Women’s Institute

Contact: Val McAleenan – 01785 712676

Acton Trussell & Bednall Men’s Society

Contact: Len Bates – 01785 714091

Friends of Bednall

Contact: David Primrose –

Acton Art Group

Acton Art Group Facebook page

Made With Love

Craft group run in All Saints Church, Bednall
Contact: Elaine 07747 118 372